Joel Joiner
Your Professional Tree & Lawn Consultant & Founder of Rooted Knowledge
” After working at local lawn and tree services in the Austin area for 20 years, I started Rooted Knowledge with 1 goal in mind. That goal is to pass on professional guidance and knowledge to homeowners to help them avoid unnecessary services and save money.”

Dedicated Service in the Central Texas Tree & Lawn Care Industries for 20 Years
- 8 years of experience working as a service and sales representative for a pest and lawn service
- 12 years of experience working as an arborist sales representative for a full tree care service
International Society of Arboriculture
Texas Nursery Landscape Association
ISA Certified Arborist
- TX-3930A
ISA Texas Oak Wilt Qualified
- TXOWQ-119
ISA Texas Wildfire Risk Reduction Qualified
- TXWRRQ-0094
Purdue University
- Turfgrass Pest Managment
Texas Nursery Landscape Association
- Certified Landscape Professional